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Ancestry Connection


Ancestry Connection Mentorship Journey

• Foundations of Allyship •

Based on the:
“6 Guiding Points of Clarity for Ancestry Connection”

🌸 🦋 Spring / Summer Cycle 2025🌿 🐾

March 2025 - August 2025 

Apply by February 20th 2025

🏔 🌲 Fall / Winter Cycle 2025 ☔️ 🍂

September 2025 - February 2026 

Apply by August 10th 2025

Heart’Centered Intention: calling upon my lived-Indigenous experience, my intent is to share from this place in support of your journey of Ancestral Connection journey by offering guidance, tool, insight & practices.

The 6 Rotating Themes for each month include:

One on One

Heart to Heart Sessions

• • •

6 Sessions in total, book one a month, guidance based on your goals

Optional Worksheets & processes to do at your own pace

• • •

Based in part by what your goals & inspirations are, you may also be given practices

Open House

online event 

• • •

2nd Wednesday of each month

7:00-8:30pm, open to Part-time Participants

Time Commitment

• • •

2.5 hours a month for the  6 month cycle:  1hr. a month of

one on one time + 1.5 hrs a month of group connection

• • • Tier 1 • • •

Full-Time Particpant

Fee covers 6 month cycle || Pay all at once or monthly

Receive: Guided Intake Call, 6 one on one 60 minute guided sessions, supportive worksheets when requested / needed, access to monthly zoom calls + their recordings for your 6 month duration.

Sliding Scale
Option 1

Sliding Scale
Option 2

Sliding Scale
Option 3

• • • Tier 2 • • •

Paired Full-Time Particpant

Fee covers 6 month cycle || Pay all at once or monthly

Pair with your spouse/partner, a family member, a dear friend. All calls would be scheduled at the same time.

Recieve: Guided Intake Call, 6 one on one 90 minute guided sessions, supportive worksheets when requested / needed, access to monthly zoom calls + their recordings for your 6 month duration.

Sliding Scale
Option 1


fee covers both participants

Sliding Scale
Option 2

fee covers both participants

Sliding Scale
Option 3

fee covers both participants

• • • Tier 3 • • •

Part-Time Particpant → Monthly Group Calls

Fee covers 6 month cycle || Pay all at once 

Receive: Access to Our Monthly Themed Zoom Session, happening on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 7:00-8:30pm, as well as a Guided Intake Call.

This is for if you're interested in just taking part in the once a month group calls.  This option allows for you to have guided intake process, to make most of your experience. You'll see that there are 2 different options here, one with and one without access to the recordings.

Sliding Scale
Option 1


without access to recordings

~ ~ ~

Option 1B


with access to recordings

Sliding Scale
Option 2


without access to recordings

~ ~ ~

Option 2B


with access to recordings

Sliding Scale
Option 3


without access to recordings

~ ~ ~

Option 3B


with access to recordings

This is for you if:

** may include but not limited to **

You have an interest or curiosity in Ancestry Connection but don't know where to start or what this means

 You long for a sense of belonging that’s grounded in something bigger than you

You come from a lineage that was displaced from roots & you are on a journey of returning

You’re someone with a capacity to feel bigger than life things & want to fill this capacity with something as powerful as Ancestral connection

You want to be more grounded with a stronger foundation for the big things you were put here for

You see the value of this journey but feel at a loss as to where to start

You already have an existing connection to ancestry and want to go deeper

You're already deep in your Ancestry Connection journey & would like to experience my Indigenous perspective

At The Heart Of It

{ • From The Indigenous Facilitator • }

… is the desire to offer guidance and facilitation in relation Ancestral connection. Sourced from my Indigenous upbringing, i understand Ancestry to be interwoven into every aspect this human experience, it is something i have in abundance. As i understand when we have lots of something, the natural inclination is to share it. In my Indigenous world view, connection to Ancestry is your foundation and the world needs more rooted people. At the heart of it is an inspired curiosity of how land shapes and informs cultures, how lineage patterns take form and the many forms that reclamation takes in all the walks of life. i’m here to guide the process and ask the questions that arrive us more clear and grounded in this bigger journey of Ancestral Connection.

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"It can be easy to just think of Ancestry as a People, & as much as this is true, in my Indigenous world view, Ancestry is Land & the People, Culture & Language that grew out of it ~ Ancestry are the Songs, Stories & Artforms that grew from the hearts of the People who grew from the Lands that shaped them. Ancestry is People & the Land that shaped & inspired who they've become & are becoming."
Pulxaneeks - Eagle Clan - Xa'isla / Xanuksiala First Nation

Get started by filling out this 6 question Intake Form.  The majority of the questions are basic logistics, with 1 heart'based one that might require a bit of inner-reflection.


6 Guiding Points of Clarity for Ancestry Connection

+ dates for the monthly group calls / online events

& keys questions for reflection

The Essence

+ dates

for Spring / Summer Cycle

Guiding Points

of Clarity

Pathway of

Deeper Understanding

Key Question 

for Reflection

( 1 )


• • •

March 12th,


When you honor your roots,  you strengthen everything grows from them ~
Let’s lean into what this might mean with curiosity & ease ~

⇨ We will understand more about Ancestry as foundation & all the ways this impacts other aspects of life ~

♡ What would change if you felt more rooted?

( 2 )


• • •

April 9th, 2025

Ancestry is more then just the People of 
your lineage, Ancestry is land & the culture 
that grew out of it ~

Let’s explore what this means & the many influences that shape the story of your lineage ~

⇨ We will understand more about the influence on land / environment on it’s inhabitants & how this can be a source of strength & insight & beauty ~

♡ In which ways are you like the land?

( 3 )


• • •

May 14th,


Your Ancestors have been through a lot & have experienced loss & atrocity, many things have tried to obliterate all forms of goodness in your linage & you are living, loving proof it didn’t work  ~

Let’s celebrate, cultivate & reclaim the strengths that have remained that want to live & give through you ~

⇨ We will understand more about the many forms of goodness that survived which can be called upon & used to sustain the bigger journey of Ancestry Connection~

♡ What forms of goodness did they try to obliterate, but it didn’t work?

( 4 )


• • •

June 11th,


We can only go as deep as we feel safe ~ 
Ancestry Connection is a privilege & is evidence 
of the access to the feelings of safety required 
for this practice to exist in your life 

Let’s understand the many forms that safety takes & how this privilege of Ancestry connection can impact all aspects of this journey ~

⇨ We will understand more about the many forms that safety takes & the things that uphold & nourish this safety & how this directly informs access to the depth & degree you can go in your journey ~

♡ What is made possible when i feel of safety is experienced?

( 5 )


• • •

July 9th, 2025

The understanding we cultivate of the story of our lineage is here to inform how we to contribute both to this, as well as to the journey of our Indigenous Hosts ~

Let’s become a part of this story as it shows itself & grows itself ~

⇨ We will understand more about where things are as the patterns & rhythms of time unfold for your Ancestry lineage, calling upon this as a form of guidance & insight as to how to most appropriately contribute ~

♡ What does it take for an entire generation to recover from the long-term impacts of atrocity?

( 6 )


• • •

August 13th,


Your Ancestors want to love you in sacred ways ~

Let’s understand what this means & how we can let them~

⇨ We will understand more about what it means to be immensely loved & what the bigger picture impact of this might be ~

♡ What happens when you let love in?

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The Green Bottle  Where you fall on the sliding scale (1).jpg
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