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Online Offerings

Indigenous Awareness Building Online Series
for Your Staff / Group / Company / Organization
This offering is intended to arrive folks into a shared & common ground understanding in relation to this bigger journey of Indigenous Right Relationship Making while accomidating your specific needs & goals ~
Session 1
The Heart of Our
Healing Journey
In this session we delve heart first into how we got to be here, the impacts of lineage trauma & how this has contributed to the bigger journey ~ You'll also be provided with a Ancestral Connection Framework as a foundation of inner support in this lifelong Practice of
Allyship ~
Session 2
Right Use of Privilege on Indigenous Land
In this session we will journey towards a greater understanding of what it means to be on Stolen Indigenous Land, the different things that
impact this & how to better understand your role in contribution to the reparations needed with your Indigenous Hosts ~
Session 3
Custom Session
This is designed based on what you’re hoping to accomplish, attain or receive in the bigger journey of Indigenous Right Relationship Making ~ This can be an "ask me anything" session, a costom designed workshop or an indepth heart sharing from my Indigenous heart ~
Down to Earth Details
Costs range from $2000 - $3000 & include:
a "Meet & Greet Session" for your group, heart'filled intake process, a folder full of worksheets & if needed, a follow-up call
Each session is 60-90 minutes each depending on your availability & can have 5-50 people in attendence
What to Expect
To be in an energetic space where we use a combination of group connection, reflection, heart sharings & guided processes
To recieve from my lived Indigenous experience in such a way that supports heart connection & deepening
To giuded gently into topics of the heart in such a way that cultivates connection & understanding
To be energetically
& emotionally prepared for our time together in the weeks leading up to it
To be guided & enoucouraged to use the tools & practices given on your own time to integtrate & apply what we explored together
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